Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating young students about community involvement and active volunteer service. Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation’s mission is to provide innovative and compassionate public service to the community. The foundation fosters youth leaders, where students undergo leadership training and participate in local community service activities. Students are involved in direct community service efforts, and the foundation contributes money and food donations to various members and groups in the community.
Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation was officially established on April 1, 2022, though the clubs themselves have been active since April 1, 2019. Originally consisting of only five members in one club, the foundation has expanded to six distinct clubs and more than fifty total members. Emulating the central theme of children helping children and community, the Dream Tree Youth Leaders
Foundation has planned and executed a series of community based projects. These revolve around activities such as tutoring, recycling, shoe drives, flea markets, fundraising events and long-term projects, and collaborations and events with organizations with similar goals and values.
Shawn Park-Song
DTYL Foundation
Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating young students about community involvement and active volunteer service. Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation’s mission is to provide innovative and compassionate public service to the community. The foundation fosters youth leaders, where students undergo leadership training and participate in local community service activities. Students are involved in direct community service efforts, and the foundation contributes money and food donations to various members and groups in the community.
Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation was officially established on April 1, 2022, though the clubs themselves have been active since April 1, 2019. Emulating the central theme of children helping children and community, the Dream Tree Youth Leaders Foundation has planned and executed a series of community based projects. These revolve around activities such as tutoring, recycling, shoe drives, flea markets, fundraising events and long-term projects, and collaborations and events with organizations with similar goals and values.